Thursday 5 March 2009


Combination of all the layers, now ready for flash....eeep!

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Finally some progress!

A final layout of the pieces ive been working on, just waiting for the floor section and possible cerebus from my partner

Monday 2 March 2009

Too much painting so very little time!

Ok so for the past two weeks I have been litrally been working non stop on actually painting some of the finalised drawings. Sitting at a computer for hours on end is not my ideal thought of fun I must be honest but Im hoping that If the paintings are to a high standard It might disguise the fact that I know nothing about Flash! My only main concern is that the deadline is looming and Im not even half ready, the only consulation is what I view as one of the main drawings is almost compleated. If Im lucky and I can work my arse off I might even finish It tomorrow.

Apart from that Ive done a few minor animations, nothing great but once they re also painted hopefully they ll be anough. I will post pictures as soon as Ive compleated the first drawing!

On a final note... why the hell do they not have more hours in a day...meh!