Monday 16 February 2009

2nd week of Flash project

So we re into the second week of the new project and the last week of pre-production by all accounts. As a brief introduction this project is a flash based 'postcard' with a horror theme which has to incorporate the words 'demonic puppies' and 'AI'. Firstly i'd like to voice my own horror at this project.....flash...arrrgh....lecturer trying to teach me flash......further arrrgh! (Not that the lecturer isnt any good at what he does, just not a good teacher, this is an issue that really should be addressed.) Anyone that knows me would laugh at the thought of me creating a wonderful flash postcard and why? Because technology hates me pure and simple. At the moment I suppose this isnt that much of a problem because we re still in pre-production which means I dont have to worry about the technical side just yet.... although it is inching closer very slowly, god I hate the word yet.
So today after a weekend of putting work off and eating far too much takeaway I decided to get a move on and actually finalise some drawings. Luckly me and my partner in crime have decided more or less on our layout so its just a case of getting the drawings done and ready to digital paint. Currently Im working on a drawing ( think matrix style capsules ) of dog fetuses encased in technology. Very wierd sounding I know but Im hoping that with the other layers It ll work really well as a whole image. God I hope his project goes alright, Its a nightmare just thinking about it arrrrgh!

Well technically I should go work, bah work....must find motivation. I fact why dont they bottle that stuff, someone would make a killing off me.

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